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English Across the School Project

Winners for the Hıgh School, mural design competition for Stickler were announced to be:


Alpay Özküçük 9B

Mustafa Toslak Prep

Poyraz Güzel Prep


They each received certificates and TAC points.


On Saturday and Sunday a group of students spent their free time putting the murals on Stickler walls.  Alpay Özküçük had help from Göksu Keçeli 9A, Ekin Yaycı 9D  and Aybeniz Komitoğlu 9B.


Ms McIntaggart and Ms. Wilder Wickam were happy to supervise and advise on artististic creativity.


This is a project aiming to encourage more English language based displays across the school  and with the students both designing and drawing the murals themselves hopefully this will give them more ownership of the school environment and the opportunity to leave their mark for students to follow.


Well done students. Great teamwork!
