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THIMUN (The International Model United Nations) Conference held January 28th-February 2nd, 2018


The students who represented TAC this year at THIMUN, held at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague (Den Haag), were Aden Aslan, Lavinya Yeke, Efe Çifci, Defne Ulusor, Emre Özekici, R. Mert Genç, Nil Mürşitoğlu, Deniz Korkmaz and Emir Çifci, and they were accompanied by our Assistant Principal, Mr. Orhan Baycık.


THIMUN is an huge event which encompasses over 200 schools and over 3,200 students and teachers in a wide span of countries including Norway, Australia, China and Ecuador.


TAC students successfully represented their school at THIMUN, which saw its 50th year. The thoughts of some of these students about THIMUN 2018, where the closing ceremony was as wonderful as the opening ceremony, are as follows:



"The THIMUN conference was very educational. My first MUN conference being TIMUN in 2016 enabled me to participate in THIMUN this year in a prepared and well-informed way. We saw that the organization, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, was organized with great effort and commitment. I think that this conference allowed all of us to better understand the MUN process and to improve ourselves. Working with students from all over the world to find solutions to major global problems provided us with an understanding of how we interact with different cultures and how to represent another country. Thanks to this international conference, we made new friends and shared our ideas with people with different perspectives. Our cultural visits before the conference and tours of the universities there were also very impressive.


As a result, THIMUN 2018 was an extremely productive and enjoyable conference because we had the opportunity to express ourselves.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lavinya YEKE



"We participated in the THIMUN conference, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, thanks to our school. Being able to participate in the biggest MUN event in the world has given me and my friends a priceless experience. I was more conscious of and more prepared for the event as it was the 3rd MUN conference I have attended to date. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to discuss global problems with people from different countries and to exchange ideas. At the same time, we were able to find out about a different country. Ultimately, like every conference we attend, this conference has given us considerable insight and has broadened our perspective. "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Aden ASLAN


"Attending THIMUN has been one of my biggest dreams since I joined the school's MUN Club as it is the largest and most prestigious conference in the world. The global perspectives given to us are definitely impressive. Besides, it was a great honor for me to attend the conference as an "ambassador". The week we spent in the Hague helped me to make new friends from around the world and to understand their perspectives. I even got a chance to meet the King of Holland. In addition to the conference, our visit to the Netherlands helped me understand the culture and nature of the country. I even had experiences with implications on my university decisions.


As a result, I see the MUN Club as a great chance to attain a global vision as well as cultural knowledge while building international friendships"


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Emre ÖZEKİCİ

