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Timsal Karabekir Meets with TAC Students


Mrs. Timsal Karabekir Yıldıran, the youngest daughter of General Kâzım Karabekir Pasha, one of the main leaders and martyrs of the Turkish National Campaign for Independence, was a guest of Tarsus American College (TAC) on Friday, March 23.

Yıldıran started the conference entitled, "Turkish Republic and Atatürk”, by inviting the students to the Museum of Kazım Karabekir, and pointing out that it is "your grandfather's house!".  She made a presentation accompanied by her father's photographs and pictures. Yıldıran also shared the memoirs of her father about the wars that he commanded, giving examples of his experiences. She underlined that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and her father, who both fought for a common cause, were like brothers. Timsal Karabekir said, "Kazım Karabekir had a huge respect and love for Mustafa Kemal Pasha until his last breath."

Stating that she lost her father, Kazım Karabekir when she was seven, Timsal Karabekir continued "I have known my father for a considerably short time. On the day of my eighth birthday, he passed. However, despite my very young age, there are some memories that are still alive. When I talk about my father, I actually want to tell you, young people, about the love of the homeland in their hearts. Men like my father were ready to sacrifice their lives for the homeland. What I call “the divine team” (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, İsmet İnönü, Kâzım Karabekir...) had this fire in their hearts, and they could die for the homeland. They had faith. Allah brought them together; they were the divine team. Following their lead, the love for our country should always be with us"

Timbal Karabekir, during her address to the students, said, "How will you give something back to your country? You must be conscious of your own talent; you must dream and persevere. It is only then that you can contribute to Turkey. Adopt the motto 'Even when the world is shattered, Turks will not be daunted!'; do not be discouraged in the face of challenges! Take ownership of your homeland and the flag! We owe a lot to our ancestors. That is why it is the duty of every Turkish person, from the cradle to the grave, to serve their country”.

The conference ended with the “Türk Yılmaz” Anthem, sung in unison with pride by everyone in the auditorium.

