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On 11 select universities from Europe, USA and Asia were hosted by TAC. While students got to know more about universities in their dreams, parents found the opportunity to find answers to the questions they had about studying abroad. 


Tarsus American College, one of the most prestigious schools of Turkey brought international universities and TAC community together. 11 select universities from USA, Europe and Asia visited TAC to promote their schools. In the day-long,  students and parents found a wealth of information about the universities in which they are interested. 


In activity on the school campus, the universities were introduced to students between 10:00-15:00, who also had the opportunity to attend breakout sessions on aspects of the process such as career highlights for the future, professional careers, scholarship opportunities abroad, and application process. Between 15:00-17:30 which was open to the public, all students and parents from TAC and other schools in Tarsus and neighboring cities had a chance to visit the university tables, receiving first hand information about their offerings.