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Istanbul University Trip with 10th Graders


The Istanbul University Trip is organized every year to provide an on-site introduction of various universities, faculties and departments oto our grade 10 students. It was held on April 26-28 this year. The trip was supervised by school guidance counselors, Özlem Algan and Suna Babalıklı, Academic Dean, Dr. Duygu Gülev, Mr. Önder Şit, Chair of Turkish Language and Literature Department, biology teacher, Musa Avşar and English teacher, Eray Bicer.


With this field trip, which is an important part of the school’s career guidance activities, our students had the chance to visit ten major universities and to explore their own abilities/interests.


The trip started with the productive and enjoyable presentation of Sabancı University. What struck our students the most about this university was its entrepreneurship, support of productivity in scientific projects and its contribution to academic activities with overseas connections. Later, at Yeditepe University, students had the opportunity to find out more about different departments according to their areas of interest. The medical practice rooms and superior facilities of Acıbadem University, which stand out in the field of medicine by using technological innovations at the most advanced level, inspired TAC students, especially those who want to study medicine. With the visit to the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, the first day of the trip concluded with an emphasis on art.


The visit to Bahçeşehir University on the second day provided a chance to understand the concept of a city university. Unlike the campus-based universities, Bahçeşehir University officials, located in the center of Istanbul, emphasized various unique aspects of the university, especially its overseas campuses and the "appl bau" program. At the Istanbul Technical University, the presenters representing the university were TAC '13 graduate, Umutcan Safak, and TAC '14 graduate, Ilayda Sayın. Our graduates, who answered the questions about the departments and introduced the Ayazağa campus, provided recommendations about study routines and how to prepare for the university exam. TAC '15 graduate, Ezgi Gül Adanır, shared her experiences and suggestions as a TAC graduate studying at this university.


The program continued with Boğaziçi University and with the contributions of Sevin Evyapan, a TAC '13 graduate, where students asked questions about departments while enjoying the university's well-known beautiful campus. The visit to Koç University concluded the second day of the trip.


Istanbul Bilgi University and Özyeğin University, were visited on the last day of the trip, and the representatives made informational presentations about the facilities and educational environment on these campuses.


We would like to thank TAC '13 Grad, Sevin Evyapan, TAC '13 Grad, Umutcan Safak, and TAC '14 Grad, İlayda Sayın, who accompanied us and participated in the introductory sessions, as well as the staff of Bahçeşehir University who hosted us for dinner.