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TAC’s Success at the Physics Olympiad at Erdemli Anatolian High


The 5th Mersin Physics Olympiad, organized by Erdemli Anatolian High School, was held on Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10.00. Our 12th graders, Hüseyin Kara and Sezer Yiğit Uçan, represented Tarsus American College at the event. Students worked on answering challenging questions for three hours while trying to use their physics knowledge, accumulated throughout their entire high school career, in the most correct and appropriate way.


As a result of this demanding process, Hüseyin Kara received third place in Mersin province, an accomplishment which made us proud. He was presented his award and medal by Mr. Mehmet Metin, Erdemli District Director of Education. We congratulate our students and wish them lifelong success.
