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TAC’S Second Foreign Language Department Continues to Serve the Community


Our Second Foreign Language Department once again has reached out to the community by breaking a record for the most waffle sales in just one day.  


The department donated a printer, bocce equipment along with darts equipment to the Karayakup Village School, located in Erdemli district of Mersin, which was procured from the income generated from waffle sales.


This community service project, organized by Tuba Baykal, the Head of the Second Foreign Language Department, culminated with the presentation of these donations to Karayakup Primary School on June 5, 2018.


Baykal stated that their next activity will be geared towards supporting the Mersin Alzheimer's Association, and a village school by providing coolers. She stated that as a department, they are very happy to help those less fortunate by providing them with much needed items. They also expressed their pride to see the conscientious awareness and active involvement of TAC students in community service.

