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Our 2018-2019 boarding student orientation started on Saturday, 1 September  at 14:30 with the arrival of students and parents on campus. Our parents watched the presentation about the boarding life at TAC in the Stickler Auditorium.

The presentation started with the opening remarks of Headmaster Mr. Andrew Leathwood and the School Principal Ms. Günseli Yüksel. After an introduction of the team by Ms. Gülay Damar, the Assistant Principal responsible for the dormitories, the presentation continued with sharing of information by the peer counselors. Our school doctor Mr. Ali Cerrahoğlu provided information about the infirmary and cafeteria, while Mr. Sinan Öz, head of the Counseling Department, introduced his team and shared information about the activities of his department. The meeting ended with the draws to assign students to rooms.

Following a snapshot of all attendees in the steps of historic Stickler building, students checked into their rooms. 

After dinner with the parents, students, peer counselors and teachers, the parents left the campus, leaving their children in the dormitory.

On Saturday evening, Turkish Language and Literature teachers Ms. Tuba Karabağ and Mr. Niyazi Pavlaz helped our students get to know each other more closely through teambuilding and icebreaker games.

On Sunday, September 2nd, orientation activities started with the breakfast which brought parents and students together. Later, when the students were taking their English placement exam starting at 10:30, our guidance department had a meeting with the parents.

After lunch, parents left the campus and our students had the opportunity to tour the historical places of Tarsus

The orientation weekend ended with various sports activities led by our Physical Education teacher Ms. Sibel Kanık after dinner.