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Ankara Universities Tour


This year, the Ankara Universities Tour for grade 11 students, which has an important impact and guidance on the path to university, was held on November 1-2.


The tour which was supervised by Grade 11 Academic Dean Mrs. Gülay Damar, guidance counselor Mrs. Özlem Algan, and geography teacher Mr. Oğuz Tatar, visited Ankara University’s Tandogan and Sıhhiye campuses, METU, TOBB, Hacettepe, Başkent and Bilkent Universities. Again, maybe the most important part of an Ankara trip, was stopping by at Anıtkabir, where Ataturk’s mausoleum is located.


While presentations in in Sıhhiye Campus of Ankara University and at Başkent University were aimed at introducing medicine programs, at METU, the presentations were about different programs on offer, ranging from engineering to psychology. In all universities, TAC’s 11th graders were also informed about academic and social opportunities of universities, internship and exchange programs.


The fact that career choice is impacted by the skills and interests of the individual, as well as the opportunities offered by the university, made the tour of Ankara universities even more important for our students.