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TAC Turkish Drama Club in İzmir


All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.

William Shakespeare 


One should use this quote from Shakespeare, we felt, when starting to tell about the creative drama experience of TAC. In an exploration of creative drama, TAC students found themselves in the depths of İzmir. The "Creative Drama Event" in İzmir on November 13-14, organized in the leadership of Turkish Drama Club teacher advisors Önder Şit and Mikail İncir, turned out to be an infinite tool of entertainment and learning for our students. The activities facilitated by the expert drama specialists of Çağdaş Drama Derneği İzmir Branch helped students develop life-long skills of internalization of the role, effective communication with team members, and imagination without borders. The trip to İzmir also included a hospital visit to Niyazi Pavlaz, the well-loved teacher of TAC, transmitting him the hope for and love of the TAC community.


During life, the individual encounters a flock of human interactions with people who one does not necessarily know in the first place. This process harbors many hopes, emotions and ideas where no one knows the real "truth". Because, this act does not and should have a truth in it, especially when we are talking about drama. Echoing the words of Shakespeare, if the world is a stage and individuals are merely players, then life is the stage with many players in it. And education; it should not be within four walls, but in the very heart of life. The students in the TAC Turkish Drama Club realize this fact in a young age and left İzmir having formulated new "plays" in their minds.