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Leadership Conference at TAC


The Leadership Conference is an annual tradition that unities four SEV schools. This year TAC hosted the conference and ACI, SAC, and UAA attended. The TAC Student Council diligently planned a three-day event filled with activities to educate students about the qualities of leadership. The first day kicked off with activities allowing students get to know one another, followed by dinner and then guests left to stay with host families. The second day of the conference started with ice break activities designed and lead by the Turkish Language & Literature teacher Ms. Tuba Karabağ. After a quick break, Mr. Ender Uslu, a TAC graduate of the Class of ’98 gave a speech about the central theme of the conference which this year was self-confidence. The day ended with a challenge for the four different student councils, they were separated into six groups, and the task was to research and then present on two randomly assigned leaders that impacted the masses. Groups had to search and discuss their ideologies, positive-negative impacts, similarities-differences, methodologies, and their background. The purpose was to identify common aspects of leaders and relate it to their leadership skills. While the activities were robust, they were also educational and fun. The last day of the conference started with breakfast before setting off on a sightseeing tour of the Museum of Cinema and the Atatürk Museum. The day and the weekend wrapped up, and the visiting students returned home.