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Undercover Books Festival Celebrates its Third Year


TAC’s prep students had a fantastic day in the third edition of “Undercover Books Festival”. The aim of this event, led by Tuba Karabağ and Meray Sakar from the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, was to show students that the books are organic beings with meanings rather than being a pieces of written text. The students, who prepared for the festival in three different categories, learned how many things can be designed using books. They prepared for the day with a costume representing a character in the novel they read, a video recording prepared according to the content of the novel, and finally, the book covers which they designed. As part of the Turkish Vertical Curriculum project, Tarsus SEV Elementary School students also joined all stages of the event and were informed in detail about the scope of the project. As a result, Azra İpkıran was selected as the winner in “Best Book Cover Design”; İsa Öner received the award in “Most Creative Costume”, and Elif Öykü Selanik in “Best Video” category. The prep students who did an impressive job in designing creative costumes and books ended the day with snapshots in front of Stickler.