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The Rebirth of the TAC Boys Handball Team


Familiar footsteps were heard on the parquet of the TAC indoor sports hall. The courts, waiting for this moment since the beginning of the academic year in 2017-2018. Years later, the TAC boy's handball team took their place at the TAC sports hall, in front of an audience. Before moving to the story of the match, a review of the team's history.


The preparation culminating in this day started over a year and a half ago. The reason for the long wait was due to the intense academic schedule, the constant change in the number of regular players, and the dormitory schedule. All fifteen students in the team are boarding students, except two, which was a special consideration when the team was established a year and a half ago. Teammates were to be chosen from their closest friends, roommates or those sharing the same floor. The two non-boarding students were from Tarsus who were willing to volunteer their time to their favorite sport. Also, the majority of the team consists of prep class students, as the foundation of the team which will give the team time to grow as they experience and build the competitive edge.


Then came the big day, teams were cheered on by their audience. The opponents were familiar — the TAC-graduate handball players: as talented, enthusiastic and as athletic as their younger opponents. The coach of the handball team was no stranger to the school Mr. Volkan Doğu Dağtekin, TAC 2005 graduate, former boarding student and handball player at TAC. The fact that he is a teacher of French by day and supervisor of the TAC boys dormitory for five nights a week explains how he could immediately recognize the idea of re-building the handball team at the beginning of last year. The purpose of regaining momentum in handball, which used to be a trademark of TAC, excited the school administration as well. Thus the team players, who received the necessary support from everyone else, spent a year and a half practicing before meeting their 'older brothers' for a match.


At the end of the match between the young generation of handball players and experienced TAC graduates, the following supporters joined the two teams in a group photo: Coach/TAC graduate, TAC alumna and principal Mrs. Günseli Yüksel, TAC alumnus and school doctor Dr. Ali Cerrahoğlu, TAC alumnus/business Manager Mr. Mustafa Özünlü, recognized for his skills in assisting, Mr. Ayhan Sümer, the Mersin provincial representative of the Turkish Handball Federation, and the accompanying referee.


The game got off to a rough start for the young players who were deceived by the average age of their veteran opponents and the time since their graduation from TAC. The coach assisted the student team, who were trying to shake it off. While the seasoned TAC graduate team won the match with finesse and the athletic experience they brought, and the win was for all of TAC students past and present.


The sense of being a family, a part of a team, a drop of sweat assisting a fellow teammate, being united towards one common goal. TAC reminded us once again that it can produce this distinct culture which leaves a lasting mark on the lives of each member of the school community. TAC graduates and students, who met in this game, concluded that there are no old graduates, no new graduates, no 'us' and no 'them'… as everyone was cheering in unison: "Long live TAC!"



Volkan Doğu Dağtekin

