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Tarsus American College Receives Minticity Award


The world-renowned DAS Akademie, a German language training company, based in Berlin and İzmir in partnership with the developer of the interactive German education portal "Minticity, brought together teachers of German from around Turkey for a weekend event held on April 20-22, 2019 in Gümüldür Denizatı Holiday Resort for the 6th installment of Mintidate. 


This weekend comprised of numerous workshops, seminars, and events related to German education, while DAS Akademie staff provided information about the "Telc Examiner" training program.


MintiCity is a web-based interactive learning portal for current and prospective learners of German. It is a fun and rich website which allows learners to experience German in a different environment with visual and auditory components suitable for various age groups. Finding alternative German practices in a virtual platform, separate from the traditional learning environment appeals to the student, allowing them to reinforce their language learning. The platform, which can be accessed anywhere that has an internet connection, including the school, extends German language learning beyond the confines of the school.


TAC's teachers of German, Mrs. Tuba German Baykal, Mrs. Ahu TERECİ DURSUN, Mrs. Fatma Yavuz and TAC's German learners, with the success of our students in the 2018-2019 academic year, were awarded the Turkey-wide "MINTOS-MILLIONӒR" award. Our school made its mark on the 6th Mintidate as the most successful school in Turkey that collected the most points on the platform.