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TAC Students Meet with Didem Ün Ateş to Talk AI 


On Wednesday October 30, student members of high school technology clubs in Health and Education Foundation schools had an online meeting with Didem Ün Ateş, a long-time professional in artificial intelligence. 


The conference which was hosted by Üsküdar American Academy, was joined by students from Tarsus American College, American Collegiate Institute and SEV American College through Skype. Students had the opportunity to learn about the software industry and projects from a specialist in their field.


Didem Ün Ateş, who greeted all the schools started her presentation titled “Artificial Intelligence & You”. Referring to her work in Microsoft, Ateş provided valuable information to students about the future of artificial intelligence.


TAC students who watched the live presentation presented Didem Ün Ateş many questions.


Didem Ün Ateş, a graduate of Üsküdar American High School, also worked as a senior executive at Microsoft.
