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October-November Activities of the TACBiotech Club 


TACBiotech Club students Deniz Güzelçay, Süleyman Goncagül and Boran Erdoğan continue their preparations for the project called “Generating Electricity from Sweet Sorghum Plant” with the support of Mr. Fatih Metin, their teacher advisor and the dean of Mersin University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The TAC team who visited the Chemistry Department of Mersin University to prepare for the TÜBİTAK Research Project Competition for High School Students, was able to produce bioethanol from fermentation mash they previously prepared using a distillation mechanism. They received information from academicians at the Chemistry Department about the production of fuel cells.


TACBiotech Club students are also working on a project called “prototype vehicle design with fuel cell”, a technology which was determined as a priority area by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The students prepared the anode and cathode sticks in the workshop of our school. They are also planning to ask for the support of the Chemistry Department of Mersin University for the production of fuel cells and to visit establishments in incubators of technocities which produce fuel cells. 


Within the club, a group of students are focused entirely on the Erasmus + Ka105 Youth Exchange Program, developing projects to prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics. The students who prepared the activity and mobility plans started to search for a partner school-youth group from European Union countries.

