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TAC Students Prepare for the Real World with Student Council Elections


The Tarsus American College Student Association is a structure designed to teach students about the democratic way of life enabling them to take part in school activities and improving their organizational skills. 


The Prep Classes who started our school this year, first selected one male and one female student from each section using secret ballot and open count. The final stage of the election was to go to the Stickler Auditorium to vote for their representatives on Friday, December 13, 2019.


At the end of the secret ballot/open count voting process, Ali Kaan Milli, from Prep D, was elected for the Student Council’s Executive Board and Aysel Beste Girmen from Prep G was elected as the member of TAC Student Council by a majority of votes.


We congratulate these students and wish them all the success in their representation of the student body of TAC.
