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TAC Hosts its Traditional “Books in Disguise” Festival


“A book should serve as the axe for the frozen sea within us.”

Franz Kafka


The “Books in Disguise” Festival, organized under the leadership of Turkish Language and Literature Department teachers Ms. Tuba Karabağ and Mr. Mikail İncir continues to be fascinatingin in its fourth year. The festival is designed for prep students each of whom start reading a book in the beginning of the year. Then, they recreated the covers of books, designed the costume of the main character in the book, and created a “trailer” for their chosen book. The creative, alternative book covers were exhibited in the Student Lounge and students picked the books, whose names were unrevealed, according to the cover they like the best. At the ceremony held in Talas Auditorium, Mehmet Tulga Can was awarded the prize in “Best Book Cover Design”, Zehra Gamze Öner in “The Most Creative Costume Design” and Efe Batın Budak in the “Best Video” category. The event ended with a reception and photo shoot in the steps of Stickler.