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Mid-Winter Bird Count


In order to monitor the wetland ecosystem and bird populations, the mid-winter waterbird census, carried out annually in our country as well as all globally, took place in Göksu Delta on the third day, after Adana-Yumurtalik and Akyatan Lagoon on the first and second days, respectively. 


The event, attended by TACBiotech Club and grade 11 IB Environmental Systems and Communities students, emphasized biodiversity in the region. During the bird census, the students were informed about the feeding style and behavior of waterbirds by Ms. Güler Bozok from the Natural Research Association.


Bozok said that they no longer see a big diversity of bird species in the region as in the past. Unfortunately, the number of birds in the region, which is also frequented by hunters, is decreasing year by year. Very few flamingos were detected during the bird count. It was explained that the bird census reports for Turkey in general will be shared by the National Parks General Directorate after the completion of all field studies in the country.