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Peer Counseling Project


The Peer Counseling Project, which is based on the foundation that adolescents will get the best help from people closest to them, is carried out by TAC’s Counseling Department. The ten-week skills training of 9th grade students to take part in the project started on February 25th. During the training held on Tuesday and Wednesday with two separate student groups, our students joined in many activities on different topics such as teamwork, giving help and support, ethical principles, and communication skills. The students who successfully complete the training will qualify to receive “peer counselor” certificate and title as of their grade 10 year and will join the counseling support to be coordinated and supervised by the guidance counselors.


The principles of the Peer Counseling Project, which has been offered at TAC since 2010, are as follows:


  • Peer counseling is not ‘managing’ others and no decision is taken on behalf of others.
  • There is no use of force.
  • Negative behaviors and exclusion are not allowed.
  • Giving advice and making judgements are avoided.
  • It is not expected to replace professional help.


The students who attended the training worked on team building in the first two weeks, getting the chance to get to know each other better and to discover their strengths.

