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The high school student who contributed to the Turkish brochure of the World Health Organization


All typesetting work in the Turkish translation of the brochure prepared by the World Health Organization for adults hospitalized with Covid-19 was made by Tarsus American College (TAC) student Poyraz Güzel. The brochure was published on the website of the World Health Organization, acknowledging Poyraz Güzel with his name.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office of Europe prepared a comprehensive brochure in English which includes appropriate exercises and recommendations for patients who were hospitalized with Covid-19 and experience side effects post-discharge. A group of faculty members from the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) at Çukurova University translated the brochure published by WHO into Turkish so that it can be shared with patients and easily understood. They assigned the task of editing/typesetting in the Turkish translation of the brochure to Poyraz Güzel, an 11th grade student who is studying at the Tarsus American College (TAC) on an admissions merit scholarship. The brochure titled "Rehabilitation and Self-Management Post COVID-19 Related Disease" was published on the website of the World Health Organization, recognizing the contribution of Poyraz as "Typesetting-Editing: Poyraz Güzel".


Poyraz Güzel, who stated that he already worked in several projects helping with computer tasks or the preparation of videos prepared for patients, and said, "I think the reason they prefer me is that I work fast." Güzel shared the following details about the preparation of the brochure:

“My task within the project was typesetting. The translation prepared by PMR physicians was delivered to me in writing. I was responsible for developing the license links and layout of the translation in a way that would not cause errors, word overflow or printing challenges. While doing this, I had to maintain the original design, contours and colors of the brochure. We conducted this study with the approval of Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association. We received our Creative Commons license for the translation. Contacting the WHO Turkey Office, the publication was placed in the original page of the WHO. This whole process took about three months. Because they are very meticulous, I read the brochure from beginning to end about 20 times and rearranged it many times. In addition to the Turkish version, the brochure is also available on the WHO website in Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Polish and Italian."


Poyraz Güzel, who stated that he was very happy to contribute to the completion of the project, said: “Since I have learned the correct steps to be used in such projects, I am thinking of making non-commercial translations for the UNICEF, WHO or another institution, which will help the society.


