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Peer Counselors Meet with Prep Students

Grade 10 ( November 14, 2015)


This year’s peer counselors from Grade 10 who contribute to the adaptation of new students to Tarsus and TAC by taking part in the boarding student-parent orientation in the beginning of the year led various activities on Saturday, November 14 on the importance of being in TAC, teamwork, and peer counseling.


Prep students spent a memorable TAC day with the lunch prepared by peer counselors and the activities after dinner. During the conversations at the end of the day, students had the opportunity to share the kinds of support they need from the pper counselors in the long run. Under the peer counseling project, prep and grade 9 students will continue to receive support from these students who received peer counseling training.


TAC appreciates the support of all peer counselors who take an active role in helping younger students.