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Our Plan for the Future is Ready. What About the Future of the World?


In order to emphasize the importance of climate change, which has become more pressing today due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases created by human effects in the atmosphere since ancient times, we had an online conversation with Prof. Dr. Murat Türkeş, a board member at the Boğaziçi University’s Research and Action Center for Policies on Climate Change” on "Climate Change, Drought and Water". In the interview, we were informed about the current progress of the world and Turkey in climate change, the problems which can be experienced in the lack of prevention, and what can be done at an individual or institutional level. 


In addition to the interview, in order to determine what we are doing to prevent climate change, a survey prepared by our students was shared before the presentation and a padlet on "What Should We Do To Prevent Climate Change?" was prepared after the presentation. 

