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Human Rights Advocacy by the Safe Space Club

TAC’s Safe Space Club, which consists of 13 students, led several awareness-raising activities during the Human Rights Week. The students exhibited their drawings in many areas of the campus.

Eylül, the grade 11 student who set up the club, emphasized that the stereotypes within the society are not limited to women, men or children, but many others exist. While drawing attention to these sterotyping and limiting beliefs, the club members aim to help those members of the community who are exposed to them feel accepted.

Mr. Trujillo, the Head of School, invited The Safe Space Club members to his room and thanked them for their work while club members had the opportunity to share the details of their work with Mr. Trujillo. Eylül was the spokesperson:

“In the past years, I have worked on violence against women and violence on social media, realizing that these issues found considerable audience among the teacher and student body of TAC. Therefore, I thought it would be appropriate to translate this idea into a club which would work on projects related to human rights. I thought that there might be other students who are interested in this subject like me, and decided that it would be best to have their involvement and  contribution. What we have done so far is the first step and the beginning many things which we are planning to do. The drawings of our ideas were made by Hayat from the prep class. Our teacher Ms. Seed Trujillo has been a great support in our getting this far. On behalf of the club, I would like to express our gratitude to the school administration, which takes every suggestion into consideration and provides opportunities for their realization.”

Mr. Trujillo said that TAC values ​​projects around human rights, especially those related to women's empowerment, and is proud of all students for their endeavors.