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TAC Becomes the Champion of SAC PhoeniX Coding Days


SEV American College’s (SAC) PhoeniX Artificial Intelligence Club hosted “PhoeniX Coding Days” with the participation of students from SEV American high schools (SAC, UAA, ACI, TAC).



SAC PhoeniX Coding Days, which introduced to the participants the fascinating world of AI providing opportunities to enjoy and delve deeper into this world through workshops and Hackathon, were held on 6-15 December 2021.


During the Hackathon, students were asked to create a deep learning model via HackerRank and their performances were assessed out of 100 points.



Barış B., from Tarsus American College (TAC) 11 F class, received the highest score and became the champion of the Hackathon competition. He was proud to receive the school’s gift from Mr. Trujillo, TAC’s Head of School. A Media Markt gift certificate was also sent by SEV American College to our winner. We congratulate Barış and wish him continued succ