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Technology and Innovation Talks Session 3 – Bioprinting

The third session under the Technology and Innovation Talks was held by the school's Biotech, Scientific Project and Experiment, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Girls in Tech clubs on January 18, 2022. The online session introduced to our students the world of Assc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Tarık Özbolat, instructor at Pennsylvania State University who is one of the leading names in the field of bioprinting. Conducting his studies in his own laboratory st the university, Ozbolat Lab, Özbolat made a presentation about the process of tissue and organ printing through 3D printers. After the presentation, he answered student questions, providing those who wish to work in this area in the future with important insights.

#3dprinting #3dbioprinting #bioprinting #artificialorgans #regenerativemedicine”

