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TAC'27 Boarding Orientation


Our Boarding Student Orientation for the 2022-2023 academic year was held during the weekend before the start of the school (10-11 September 2022). Following the lottery for our students to pick their rooms, the presentations started. 


During the weekend, informative presentations were offered by the dormitory team, infirmary staff and the counseling department to the new boarding students and their parents. Then, while an information meeting was held for the parents by the Vice Principal in charge of prep classes, while our peer counselors and prep students met in the canteen and had the opportunity to chat.




A dinner was organized in our school garden with the participation of school administrators, the dormitory team, TAC’s peer counselors, guidance counselors, and our boarding students and parents who joined the big TAC family this year. Later, the students said goodbye to their families and got to know one another during the ice breakers organized by our guidance counselors. 


Waking up to a warm but beautiful Tarsus morning after the first day, the students met with the school counselors and the peer counselors after breakfast. On the second day of the orientation program, TAC’s peer counselors in grade 10 led a series of activities and games which helped boarding students of the prep class and students from older grade levels spend a fun time together.  


During the weekend, the other members of the school counseling team and parents of boarding students met in a sharing session. Through various activities in which our parents actively participated, they had the opportunity to both get to know each other better and share their sentiments about this new experience. 


As part of the orientation program, boarding students also participated in a tour of Tarsus, accompanied by their teachers in the dormitory and a professional guide.


The happiness of the students, who took a fast track to getting used to their new environment, their teachers and their friends, was reflected on their faces, which also made their parents confident as they were leaving.