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TAC Graduates of Various Generations Hosted New Teachers at the Mountain House 

On Saturday, October 1, members of the Tarsus American College (TAC) Alumni Association welcomed the teachers who newly joined the Tarsus American College and Tarsus SEV education staff this year at the school's mountain house in Namrun, Tarsus. The members of the TAC family enjoyed the food and drinks prepared by Betül Abla from the TAC Alumni Association, shared a conversation, and had the opportunity to get to know each other better. After TAC Alumni Association President, Mr. Mehmet Özel (TAC'90) provided information about the history of the school to new teachers, and Mr. Akar Burduroğlu (TAC'63), representing an older generation of TAC graduates, shared the strong traditions that TAC aims to pass on to younger students. In their remarks, Mrs. Amanda Sunderman, TAC Head of School, Ms. Ayfer Aydın, Tarsus SEV Middle School Principal, and Mrs. Çiğdem Özyürekoğlu, Tarsus SEV Primary School Principal, emphasized the privilege of being a member of this family.

This special day which brought together the members of TAC Alumni Association and the new teachers continued with a hike to explore the hiking tracks in the vicinity and to see Namrun Castle. All teachers and TAC graduates, proud of being a member of this big family, ended the day by immortalizing the fascinating highland landscapes with their photographs.


