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Bus Staff Presentation on “Child Protection Policy” 

Providing safe learning environments for children and young people is a major responsibility of all schools. Therefore, educators should be able to use protective, preventive and, when required, interventional programs that are integral to the school environment for serving the "best interests of the child". 

The Health and Education Foundation (SEV), which oversees SEV American schools in Turkey, undertakes an awareness raising project on Child Protection to improve community understanding and knowledge in the field of child protection. As part of the project, training and seminars are organized for all constituents, from the senior administrators to teachers, cleaning staff and parents, in all seven schools affiliated with SEV. 

At TAC too, we have been working for the TAC Child Protection Policy under the leadership of the Foundation. TAC Child Protection Policy is overseen by the Child Protection Committee, which is revised and updated in the beginning of each academic year, in coordination with the other SEV Schools and the Foundation. Awareness raising activities aim to promote a wider understanding of the TAC Child Protection Policy, which is developed with the work of these committees, and to share it with students, teachers and other members of the TAC community.

At TAC, all adults involved in student life are informed about the Child Protection Protocol. One of these trainings took place recently, on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 facilitated by Dr. İlker Kaba, Head of Counseling Department and Mrs. Suna Babalıklı, the Deputy Head of Department on “TAC Child Protection Policy” for the drivers of the TAC high school buses.  The presentation touched on the concepts of child neglect and abuse, SEV Child Protection Policy, steps to be followed as part of the child protection policy with an introduction of TAC’s Child Protection Team. Mrs. Gözde Kıstak, Human Resources Manager, said in her concluding remarks “All staff members are expected to act with the awareness of the importance of this matter.”


