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Grade 11 Parent Presentations on "TAC’s University Preparation Program and YKS-2024 System" and "Exam Psychology in Adolescents"


On Tuesday, October 11th, TAC organized parent sessions titled "TAC University Preparatory Program and YKS-2024 System" and "Exam Psychology and Adolescence" for the parents of grade 11 students, who have entered an important period in their preparation for university.


In the first presentation, Turkish university counselors Oktay Aydın and İlker Kaba shared information about YKS-2024 exam system, YKS-2022 data, as well as YKS statistics. They also provided a summary of what are being done at TAC with regard to preparing students for Turkish universities, explaining important points for consideration for success in YKS. In the conference presented by Serhat Köse, one of the school’s guidance counselors, the adolescence period and exam stress was discussed while some tips were shared with families.