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New Year's Surprise From TAC Students for the Young In-Patients


The New Year’s gift packages prepared by a group of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders under the leadership of grade 11 IB students were personally delivered to the children who were being treated at the hospital in Tarsus. Our hope with the visit was to bring the fun and excitement of the New Year to children who will spend the new year at the hospital. TAC students had the opportunity to chat with both the ailing children and the health personnel who are in charge. The result of this personal attention was seen in the bright smiles of the young patients, which made this visit worthwhile.


The ultimate goal of these community service activities, which treat TAC students to the unique sense of being able to reach out to the wider community, is for each student to turn these wonderful moments into a life-long awareness and philosophy. We would like to thank our students for their dedication and wish them success in their growth as the community leaders of the future.

