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TAC is one of the longest-established and most prestigious academic institutions of Turkey which has been providing education based on democratic and scientific tenets since 1888, with the worldwide recognition of its educational standards by CIS (Council of International Schools) since 2007.  


TAC is governed by the Health and Education Foundation. The academic staff is comprised of Turkish and international educational educators who have specialization in their branches. As stated in the mission statement, TAC's high standards with regard to character and spiritual development of individuals, in addition to the emphasis on academic programs, are renowned in preparing its graduates to lives less ordinary.


Tarsus American College was authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) in 2004. In this respect, TAC was the first among its sister schools affiliated with the Health and Education Foundation to offer this program with internationally recognition for educating "global citizens". Thanks to this program, the students who choose TAC have the opportunity to receive an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, as well as the national high school diploma.


Our school offers a bilingual (Turkish and English) high school program which helps our students in their preparation towards and admission by prestigious universities both in Turkey and abroad. In line with the needs of modern age, the electives of German and French are also offered as second foreign language options.


Through its Counseling Department, TAC provides guidance to our students and parents regarding universities in Turkey. TAC graduates last year were admitted to the most reputable state and foundation-owned universities in Turkey. Most of our students were admitted to the universities of their top three choices. TAC, which also has an international universities counselor, provides all kinds of support for international education options. Some of TAC graduates in the past were admitted by the most prestigious and well-recognized universities of the world including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown, University of Edinburgh, McGill, University of Britsh Columbia, Georgetown, Bentley, University of Southern Calofornia, Pratt Institute, Boston University, Universty of Michigan, St. Andrews, Kent and Reading, with many graduates being provided scholarships for the duration of their universitiy studies.


Acting on its motto "Leaders for Turkey, Leadership for the World", Tarsus American College has more that 5000 graduates who are active in the upper ranks of Turkish business life holding important positions and roles throughout the world. AIn addition to its academic program, the importance our school attaches to character and spiritual development prepares our graduates for lives far from ordinary.


To contribute to the personal development of our students, we place emphasis on extra-curriculars as much as class activities. There are 45 clubs, including international clubs like MUN and ISTA, on offer at TAC for better preparation for life after graduation. Community service has always been an integral part of the institutional culture. By taking part in community service projects, TAC students develop respect, leadership qualities and social skills. 


Dormitories for boys and girls, as a home away from home, is another indispensable part of TAC's national and international accomplishments. The facilities for boys and girls in their new location is a warm home to students coming from 28 different cities in Turkey is one of the best dormitory facilities in the country with regard to their architectural structure and amenities. The greatest purpose of boarding at TAC is to deliver the high academic standards demanded by students from outside the Cukurova region as well as provide them with the benefits of being a part of a well-established and prestigious school like TAC.


In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Council of International Schools Child Protection standards, the SEV Foundation is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of students in all SEV schools through the establishment and implementation of a comprehensive Child Protection Policy. Our Child Protection Policy applies to all SEV community as well as stakeholders including third-party contractors.