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Thousands upon thousands of persons have studied disease. Almost no one has studied health.”

Adelle Davis (American nutritionist)


TAC medical services give priority to prevention rather than focusing solely on the cure, since prevention of a healthy condition is easier and a more reasonable way of dealing with health if compared to battling an ailment after outbreak.

A school doctor and a nurse are available at the infirmary located on the TAC campus.The infirmary has the necessary equipment for general medical checks, minor operations, and medical emergency support. In addition to medical examinations and treatment for students, teachers and staff, preventive medicine and environmental health services are also provided. The health records are stored electronically in the computers in the infirmary which operate with a centralized system provided by the SEV Foundation.

Student physical development is monitored through height and weight measurements twice a year and body/mass indexes are recorded and graphed. Health statistics of the school are prepared and shared with families and other parties as needed. Medical examinations of student athletes are also conducted by the school.

Education comprises a major part of the medical services offered at the school. Students are trained on the issues of general hygiene, contagious diseases, vaccines, adolescent physiology and related problems as well as counseled about health hazards posed by smoking.


Since 2003-2004, there has been extensive work undertaken in the health department to battle obesity and balance nutrition. The process started with the analysis of the situation and continues in a wide-based campaign which includes the parents.

All medical and administrative precautions are taken to provide a healthy and safe environment for boarding students and to address any potential health problems, including medical examinations and subsequent referrals for further treatment as needed.