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The selection of the right university is of high importance and one of life’s biggest investments. When Turkish students are looking to apply to universities abroad, they must understand that the process is significantly different than that of the Turkish National system. With universities abroad employing their own unique application timelines, admissions tests, essays, and academic requirements, navigating this time consuming process requires proper planning and support. To this end, the counseling offices at TAC begins working with students and parents in grade 9 in order to identify the career and college resources within their Naviance account. As students progress through grades 10, 11, and 12,  we continue to provide individual counseling and placement services for those students and parents who are interested in university education abroad.


The university counseling services at TAC assist students and families in determining which colleges and universities are a good fit in meeting postsecondary educational expectations, while ensuring this education is aligned with each student’s projected career path. We provide guidance towards available financial assistance, as well as information on which standardized tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL) need to be taken in order to qualify for admissions. Individual meetings with students, parent information sessions, access to an extensive data bank through Naviance, and campus visits by colleges and universities further support the efforts of TAC’s International University Counselor. Providing these services is one of the many aspects which makes Tarsus American College one of the premier college preparatory institutions in Turkey.


Please click for the International Universities placements for TAC'24